Workers Compensation

In Australia, every employee is covered by state and federal legislation. Meaning that if you get injured at work then you are entitled to treatment and therapy including Exercise Physiology, Exercise Rehabilitation, Hydrotherapy and gym membership.

iMOVE Rehabilitation believes early intervention is the key to you successfully returning to work in the shortest possible time frame.

With 30 years’ experience in prescribing best practice exercise rehabilitation, iMOVE Rehabilitation brings an extensive knowledge base in exercise prescription, experience to think outside of the box and are always outcome focused!

Exercise Rehabilitation is provided by Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) who employ a person-centred care approach and a structured process to help injured workers return to work.

Latest evidence and research suggests that a well designed exercise intervention will reduce the likelihood of re-injury, reduce time lost to injury and accelerate the return to work process.

In addition, iMOVE Rehabilitation works towards improving functional capacity, thus reducing the risk of re-injury and/or broadening the scope of work options should a return to pre-injury duties be deemed inappropriate.

By using a biopsychosocial model for service delivery iMove Rehabilitation is best placed for success when prescribing functional, personalized exercise programs that are job specific. Why prescribe a Dead Lift if the job doesn’t require this movement or action!

Once receiving a referral from the GP or specialist, iMove Rehabilitation will contact the insurer for approval and injured worker to organize an initial assessment.

Once approved, the initial assessment is booked and one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists will undertake an assessment to develop an effective exercise treatment and therapy plan while ensuring all key stakeholders are communicated with during the process.

iMove Rehabilitation will provide expert advice by working with the worker, employer, insurer, treating doctors and other providers.

iMove Rehabilitation’s Exercise Physiologists are registered providers with Workcover WA and Comcare as well as being accredited with Exercise and Sport Science Australia.

Contact us today on 9450 8888 to get your recovery process started at our facility in Como.

With 30 years’ experience we will ensure Professionalism, Collaboration, Innovation and Results!